Office closed temporarily starting 3/16/20 due to Covid-19 pandemic

Posted by on Mar 30, 2020 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Dear Clients, 

In response to the evolving Covid-19 outbreak I have decided to close the office temporarily effective Monday 3/16/20. I will reassess weekly, and will follow local, state and federal guidelines to decide how to move forward.  Information and guidelines are changing rapidly, but as of this morning there are no restrictions on my type of business.  

Collectively this is the time to step back, regroup and decide how we move forward.  As a healthcare provider it is beyond heartbreaking to close my doors to clients during a public health crisis, when other healthcare providers are working tirelessly on the front lines.  However, all information supports the need to slow the spread of Covid-19 while mobile testing sites are set up and while the healthcare system prepares to manage treatment of the most severe cases.  

While you are practicing social distancing, please also practice supreme self-care and follow all recommended guidelines for health and safety during the pandemic.  Amidst the fear, remember exposure does not equal infection, and a majority of cases will be mild to moderate. Make choices every day to keep your immune system strong, your nervous system calm, and to help and protect the more vulnerable around you.  

I have supported so many people through challenging health situations, but nothing quite like this before.  I do take strength and wisdom from all of these years working with you. 

My clients have shown remarkable resilience, courage, trust, patience, self-reflection, and adaptability in the face of difficult (even life threatening) health issues and diagnoses – all the while continuing to grow, heal and thrive.   These innate qualities will help us all now through this challenging time. Advice that I have consistently given over the years is to take your health one step at a time. Make the best decision for the next step and continually assess and re-evaluate what is working and what is not.  Be patient. Be open and willing to change.  

For me, the next best step for everyone’s health is to close my practice short-term to in-person acupuncture treatments.  I realize now more than ever how much I love the 1:1 connection of treatment, but I will be reflecting on how I can be of service in new ways moving forward.  When I do re-open (hopefully soon!) it will be with new guidelines and precautions in place.

In the meantime I am available for virtual consults and have an on-line dispensary for herbs and supplements.  Feel free to email at any time if you need support or have questions. 

Stay well, take care of yourselves and each other.  We will get through this, together! I will reconnect when I have more information to share. And of course will look forward to meeting in person again soon.

All my best,
