Change is in the air again with fall coming. For the past 6 months, we have been living and working in a “new reality” and have realized our great capacity for change and adaptability, how to live in the moment and live with uncertainty. We are stronger and more resilient than we know, and now have another opportunity to step into the next season with resolve and purpose.
Taking the Pulse
In Chinese Medicine we are entering the season of the metal element, which relates to the qualities of structure and rhythm. These days we are continually finding new rhythms and adjusting as structures around us shift and change. It can feel ungrounding and create lots of emotions such as anxiety and frustration as we ask “how much longer?” Along the way we discover how flexible and adaptable we are, or the alternative is that we become too fixed or rigid and “break” under the pressure.
An image that embodies the metal element is a snow capped mountain. It is enduring, stable, and continually exposed to changing and harsh elements. These days 2020 can feel like an endless climb up the side of the mountain. The invitation here is to tap into the deeper elements of the mountain energy – firmly rooted in the earth while reaching for the energy of the sky or heavens or a more hopeful future; remaining steady while structures around fall apart, change and are rebuilt.
Coaching Contemplation
The metal element loves structure, order and organization. Now is the time to re-assess how your personal structures, schedules and self-care practices are working for you. With stay at home and work from home, we have developed some new habits and routines to get us through, or possibly fallen into some patterns that are no longer working. Fall is the natural time to set up new routines and rhythms. Some things to consider doing this fall:
- Complete unfinished projects to free up energy and mental space
- Clear away clutter and excess in your home and work spaces
- Take time to reorganize your living or working spaces or storage spaces – desktops, closets, kitchen/pantry, garage etc. This frees up energy and helps you practice the art of organizing, sorting and decision making.
- Review your schedule for outdated routines, responsibilities and obligations. Ask yourself if you still want to put energy into them and recommit, renegotiate or let them go.
- Look for the things that have fallen off your schedule and routine that you miss. Can you recreate them or find a substitute?
- Ask yourself if your shopping, exercise, eating, self-care, social/fun routines still working or do they need an upgrade or shift.
- Add in new activities or routines that spark joy and creativity, or give you more energy or calm.
- Consider how your habits and activities need to shift with the changing seasons.
- Do your choices reflect your own natural rhythm cycles or desires or do you do them because you “should”?
- Look at your before bed and morning routines. Are they setting you up for a restful sleep or a peaceful productive day?
- Review your planning and goals processes and how to improve them: lists, calendars, scheduling, project management. Maybe it is time for a new system or new way of organizing and structuring your thoughts and goals.
When structures are changing around us, there is a lot of power in choosing how to navigate your daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal rhythms.
Take Care of Your Immune System
Now is also the time to review your self-care and immune support plan as we prepare for fall and winter. The foundations of immune heath are:
- Good quality sleep and regular sleep rhythms/cycles
- Good quality food and digestion
- Stress management
- Regular movement/exercise
- Plus power foods, teas, spices, herbal formulas and supplements can be added for extra support
Take a look at your self-care and immune support practices and be in touch if you need support or help in those areas!
Order your herbs and supplements Online!
My Wellevate online dispensary has thousands of high quality products available. Clients receive 15% off and with free shipping after $49.It is free to sign up.
Now is the time to order your immune support supplements for the fall and winter. In the spring a lot of immune supplements were backordered due to supply and demand issues with the pandemic, so it is good to plan ahead and have some products on hand. My favorites include Vit C, Vit D, zinc, probiotics, elderberry, echinacea, mushrooms, astragalus and a variety of herbal formulas for allergies and immune support. Please be in touch for specific recommendations.

- Sign up for Wellevate – my online dispensary. (Click the image link above.) No cost to sign up, clients receive 15% off and shipping is free after $49 order. Only high quality supplements are stocked.
- Ask me about which supplements would be best for you. I can customize a recommendation based on your health and your current medications and supplements.
- If you are currently taking supplements, you can now order them from Wellevate.
- Browse the store for other self-care and wellness products including body care products and food.
Immune Support Acupuncture: Book an acupuncture appointment to support your immune system, to treat seasonal allergies, support quality sleep and digestion, and reduce your stress. Acupuncture at the change of seasons can help your system re-balance for the changes ahead.
Book an energy healing or transformation coaching session: (done remotely via video) to clear any old traumas that are resurfacing, to get perspective on and shift a challenging pattern or situation, to create some goals and new ways of being – to fully step into the person and life you desire. When the world is changing outside it is an excellent time to shift on the inside.
Telehealth session: to discuss a specific health issue and get a personalized plan or an herb/supplement consultation
As always, feel free to email me with any questions!
Wishing you a smooth and healthy transition to fall.
All the best,
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