Acupuncture for Perimenopause and Menopause
The menopause and perimenopausal transition is very natural but can bring a lot of physical and emotional discomfort with changing hormones and cycles.
Acupuncture and herbal treatment is holistic and natural, without the side effects and risks of HRT/hormone replacement therapy. It can treat and minimize the various symptoms of menopause including:
- hot flashes
- night sweats
- insomnia & sleep issues
- fatigue, low energy
- mood changes: irritability, depression, anxiety, stress
- change in libido
- headaches
Transitioning to the Wise Woman Years
Chinese Medicine holds the view that menopause is much more than a shift in hormones; it is a great time of potential awakening and empowering for women. The child bearing years are complete which means a woman can turn her attention and energy to other areas of her life and development. It’s an opportunity for re-birth into a new life cycle. All of the resources the body was using to maintain fertility are now available for other creative and meaningful endeavors.
Acupuncture treatment plus health coaching can give you more tools and information to help you create new healthy habits to support your physical, hormonal and emotional balance.
Reiki & Energy Healing Sessions can help you process the emotional & spiritual shifts that happen during this transitional time.
Life Coaching Sessions can help you to envision, create and step into the next chapter of your life with more purpose and focus.
With the right support, knowledge and self-care, it’s possible to experience a more smooth and balanced transition through menopause and into the next phase of life. Please reach out to connect and discover how acupuncture, energy healing or coaching can help you navigate this change cycle.
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