Effective, gentle & compassionate holistic health care for Metro Boston
Taking the Pulse
It’s so interesting that Valentine’s Day is in the middle of winter. I mentioned in last month’s newsletter that winter is the season of water which relates to stamina, longevity and will power to flow and navigate through difficulty.
And then in the middle of February comes Valentine’s Day (which here in New England feels like the deep dark heart of winter). We collectively welcome and celebrate the energy of the heart. There is red and pink everywhere contrasting to the white-gray landscape. The energy is bright, open, warm, connected, fulfilling, exciting. Whether your Valentine takes the form of a Galentine, friend, pet, family member – Valentine’s Day is a reminder to connect with our heart-fire energy which craves connection, warmth, love. A simple gesture of kindness can melt and open our heart.
Listening to Your Heart
This melting of the heart can reconnect us with our inner heart, our soul (the Shen in Chinese Medicine) and create an opening for listening. In the hard and stoic energy of getting through the pandemic, staying healthy and safe, we have had to put many of our heart’s desires on hold. Hearts have been full of worry, grief, concern. Yet within, beneath and below that are still the stirrings of the heart – desires for new ways of being, new experiences in life. The heart is related to fire energy in Chinese Medicine and the Heart is considered the benevolent ruler (NOT the mind.) Fire energy of the heart is needed for our continual development and needs to be balanced with the mind. The mind can learn to listen to the heart.
Coaching Contemplation
Fire energy is also about fulfillment and expansion, about fully expressing ourselves in the world.
What ONE thing can you do today to open or connect with your own heart?
Then how can you share that with someone else?
Acupuncture can help you to connect with your heart. It can calm and soothe your overactive nervous system and strong emotions so that you can be present with yourself. Acupuncture can shift pain and tension patterns and improve health issues that are taking vital energy away from other areas of your life.
Coaching can help you listen to your heart, clarify your true desires, clear away the patterns and blocks that are in the way, and then chart a course to your heart’s destination (with your mind as a supportive companion.) As a certified professional life coach, I am offering individual coaching sessions and packages to support you on this journey. These sessions are all done virtually/online so you can connect safely from wherever you are.
You can schedule all services online or by email.
Schedule Appointment ONLINE Here
I wish you a happy healthy heart, today and every day.
Taking the Pulse Happy New Year and Welcome to 2021. I hope you had some time over the holidays to rest and reflect. There’s no question that 2020 was a most challenging and turbulent year, and 2021 is already showing its fire. And yet we continue to show up for ourselves, our loved ones and our work in the world while holding a vision for a brighter future. I am eternally grateful for my clients who placed their trust in me and my business during this time to receive in-person acupuncture. It has been an honor to walk through this transformative time with you and support you on your health and wellness path. After a much needed holiday break, the office is OPEN with plans to remain open. Thank you for continuing to honor all the safety measures in place so you can continue to receive high quality care. I’ll continue to operate at a lower capacity and with all safety measures in place until the pandemic is more under control. There are some openings for new or returning clients! Please be in touch to include acupuncture in your 2021 health care and self-care plans. The Water Element and Winter During times of chaos and instability, it can be helpful to look at wisdom traditions for guidance. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one such tradition – it has been in practice for thousands of years and originated and survived in a culture that has seen the rise and of fall of political systems, pandemics and more. It is deeply rooted in the philosophy of Taoism which emphasizes balance within cycles of change and living in harmony with the natural world. One of the TCM five elements is Water, and it corresponds with the current season of Winter. Water is about our ability to flow and overcome obstacles. It relates to qualities of wisdom, stamina and endurance. The water element in winter invites us to turn inward for introspection and stillness, to pause, gather strength and renew our energy reserves – before the more expansive season of spring. This is the most Yin of seasons, very quiet and internal and invites us to “go in”. Yes, I know we have spent 9 months “staying in” but I am also referring to going in to the deep stillness within ourselves where our true nature resides. From this place you can explore what naturally wants to flow and come to creation from within you. In the dark and quiet you can connect with your roots and continue to water and nurture the seeds of change. After being shut down and limited for much of 2020, there is a desire to move forward, make changes, take action even though the outer world might not be offering that in the way we desire. It is easy to feel frustration and resistance when things are not going as planned or desired. Coaching Contemplation How are things flowing in your life? Where are you resisting the current flow of life? Are you taking time to rest and reflect each day? The water element invites us to Rest and Reflect. It reminds us that many things cannot be solved by more effort or by controlling a time table or outcome, but by allowing a more natural unfolding and by accepting and aligning with the current realities and flowing with them towards a different or more desirable resolution or outcome…one perhaps that we cannot even see yet. This is not to be confused with passivity. (Water can also balance and control Fire.) You can invoke the water element in your life, while working boldly and actively towards your plans and dreams of 2021 and while responding to new challenges. Productivity experts know that resting and reflecting are important steps towards accomplishing goals. In daily life, rest and reflection are forms of supreme self care and can look like this: formal meditation or other contemplative practices working with a therapist or life coach or other professional regular acupuncture or bodywork journaling taking a retreat (even if it is online or at home) a walk alone a visit with nature a quiet cup of tea sitting by a fire hanging out with a pet taking a nap blank space on your calendar stretching after a workout savasana after yoga practice sitting and relaxing after a meal quiet time in the morning or before bed prioritizing sleep a pause before moving onto the next activity a break after completing a big (or small) project stepping away from a difficult project or situation when frustration is building allowing yourself to have unproductive time turning away from your devices allowing time and space for creativity Invoking the QUALITIES of the water element in your life can also look like: accepting whatever challenge life has presented to you being open to saying yes when the energy feels right accessing your inner wisdom trusting an outcome that hasn’t arrived yet slowing down sometimes less effort and more allowing reflecting on how to do things differently taking the next step then the next step… Water continues to flow towards its natural destination despite the obstacles in its path. ![]() FLOW is my word for 2021. After so many challenges and changes in 2020 I was forced to let go of many expectations, beliefs, ways of doing things, situations, relationships. I am committed to staying open to new possibilities and listening to the pull within towards a brighter future. Join me in trying to find the flow. Offerings I’m available in-office and online/virtually to support your heath, wellness and authentic living goals. Acupuncture is an amazing tool to help you to rest and reflect and rebuild your energy reserves. Acupuncture naturally moves tension and resistance to allow better energy flow in your body and mind. By connecting with your body you can more easily access its wisdom. I am welcoming new and returning acupuncture clients. Life Coaching In December I completed my Certified Professional Life Coach training, which was a huge goal and accomplishment for 2020! This training and working with my own coach were instrumental in helping navigate this time of transition. The past year provided endless opportunities to practice new skills and ways of being. I am now offering life coaching virtually so please reach out if you are interested or curious. What is a life coach? Read more here: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-life-coach-4129726 As a Certified Life Coach my goals are to help you live a more balanced and authentic life, understand and shift your inner world and its many resistances, move towards goals and dreams, and live a life that reflects your unique values – so you can feel more empowered and more easily share yourself and your gifts with your community or loved ones. I’m particularly interested in helping people navigate personal change and transition. Stay tuned for a new website with more info about life coaching and how it can help you. You can schedule all services online or by email. Schedule Appointment ONLINE Here As always, feel free to email me with any questions or to tell me how you’re doing. I wish you and yours a healthy and flowing New Year. Best, Lisa |
Taking the Pulse
The holidays and winter weather are upon us. With that comes rapidly increasing covid cases, as was predicted. We are all facing difficult decisions about navigating connection and safety. I hope that you are able to find new ways to connect with loved ones while following recommended safety guidelines.
I have been so fortunate to be able to continue working in person during the pandemic – by adjusting safety policies as needed and by having amazing clients who are conscientious and respectful of the policies. I cannot thank you enough. So far the policies have been working well and I have felt able to provide a safe treatment space for everyone. Governor Baker has acknowledged that health care settings are not driving increased covid spread, but informal gatherings are. Given that, there is a new office policy in place.
Updated Covid Safety Policy
Thank you for helping to keep the treatment room a safe space for all.
For more information on guidelines for travel and holiday celebrations, please visit these CDC pages:
Even in the craziness of 2020, I feel so much gratitude this Thanksgiving.
Professionally I am so grateful that my business has remained open and adjusted to the challenges, that I can work in person doing what I love, that clients continue to show up for themselves and take care of their health, that I can pursue certification in life coaching to explore new ways to help people live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Personally I am thankful for my home, family, friends, pets, health, nature, good food, fleece pants,13 seasons of my current fave show Heartland, and a horse named Saint that I recently started working with.
Coaching Contemplation
Did you know that gratitude is linked to health, better sleep, more happiness, emotional well being, improved relationships and life satisfaction? Gratitude is a mindset and quality that can be cultivated, through practice. Keeping a gratitude journal, “counting your blessings” at the end of day, starting a gratitude jar or box, writing a gratitude letter, saying “thank you” more often are some simple practices that you can easily add to your life.
For some more inspiration on starting a gratitude practice:
What 3 things are you grateful for today?
Watch: “Want to be happy? Be thankful.” This TED Talk from David Steindl-Rast is the perfect Thanksgiving appetizer. In it, the Benedictine monk and interfaith scholar talks about what, exactly, it means to be grateful and offers a simple process for living gratefully: stop, look and go. Instead of rushing through life, he asks us to see the opportunities that are available and open ourselves up to them. This isn’t an idle or even simply personal concern: gratefulness has broad social implications. “If you’re grateful, you’re not fearful, and if you’re not fearful, you’re not violent. If you’re grateful, you act out of a sense of enough and not out of a sense of scarcity and are willing to share,” Steindl-Rast says. [From Jessica Gross TedBlog: https://blog.ted.com/a-non-cheesy-guide-to-gratefulness-what-to-read-and-watch/ ]
I’m available in-office and online/virtually to support your heath, wellness and authentic living goals.
Please note the office will be closed Nov 25-29 and Dec 24-Jan 3rd.
Schedule Appointment
As always, feel free to email me with any questions or to tell me how you’re doing. I wish you and yours a happy, healthy and grateful Thanksgiving.
Taking the Pulse
I hope you and yours are holding steady these days. I’m having so many conversations with clients lately about dealing with uncertainty, anxiety and the fatigue of living in a pandemic world and an election year. Another big topic coming up has been around food and eating during this time, so these conversations have inspired this month’s newsletter about letting go and mindful eating.
Letting Go
Fall is a time of energy moving inward, slowing down and letting go. Here in New England we see trees releasing leaves, plants returning to the earth, daylight yielding to darkness. As nature lets go, it can be a reminder for us to let go and open to the opportunity to connect more deeply with ourselves. It may mean letting go of knowing every news story, knowing the outcome of situations, letting go of things we cannot control. In doing, we shift our attention to the things we can control and influence.
What are you ready to let go of this fall so that you can step into a new way of being?
Eating Mindfully
This can also be a time to let go of some unhealthy or stressful eating patterns that developed during the pandemic. Cooking and eating are grounding and nourishing activities that support us during transitions and connect us to the earth element and ourselves. We literally take the fruits of the earth (food, herbs, spices) and extract the nutrients and energy we need. In my kitchen, scraps go into the compost pile which will feed my perennial garden next spring – connecting once again to the earth and the cycles of release, nourish and rebirth.
Chinese Medicine teaches us to eat with the seasons. As we head into cooler temps our diet should shift to support the transition. We move away from the cool and uncooked summer veggies and fruits and towards the foods that are denser and need longer cooking time such as root veggies, squashes, soups and stews.
In my house we get weekly produce delivery from Boston Organics and the seasonal changes have started; so many types of squashes have started showing up in the box along with carrots, sweet potatoes, leeks and more. The Instant Pot is getting regular use again and the soups are flowing in our kitchen.
Coaching Contemplation
How we select, prepare, enjoy our food can be a reflection of how we care for ourselves. Food is a form of nourishment and can support stability by eating regularly, eating foods that work for our particular body needs, and eating mindfully.
Some things to contemplate: Do you rush, eat mindlessly, skip meals, eat meal substitutes (bars, shakes) or chemicals (caffeine, alcohol, sugar) instead of real food? Do you follow a “program” or “plan” of eating that someone else designed or told you to do, or do you eat more intuitively and responsively to your body? Do you put more energy into feeding others than yourself? Is food a substitute for other needs or a way to calm and sooth frazzled emotions? Are you able to enjoy eating alone, without devices or distractions? Can you listen to your body as it gives feedback on your food choices? Do your food choices support your energy, mood and health?
Mindful eating supports a conscious connection between food, ourselves and the planet. Bring attention to your food choices, your tendencies and habits, your reactions to food. Observe without judgment and recognize that there is no right/wrong way to eat. Instead there is much choice, awareness and individuality/uniqueness in eating. All choice and awareness can impact your individual health and wellness and also the interconnectedness of other beings and systems. For more information on mindful eating visit The Center for Mindful Eating: https://www.thecenterformindfuleating.org/page-1863947
When many of us are still limited in our activities and social gatherings due to the pandemic, food can become a rich opportunity for exploration and enjoyment. Eating is a foundational pillar of our health. Some of us are fortunate enough to have access to plentiful and quality food choices, and there is always the opportunity to share that abundance with others in need. Some options include supporting those who make their living in the food industry, giving items to your local food pantry, or donating time or money to organizations that feed those in need.
Contemplate the journey that food has taken to reach your plate. From the farm, to the transportation, to the display at the grocery store or the staff at the restaurant. How many people have worked to provide this food for you? Can you receive that nourishment and also feel gratitude for your access to good quality food?
Thai Ginger Carrot Soup Recipe:
This is one of my favorite soups – warming, nourishing, yummy; a little sweet, nutty and spicy, with a gorgeous orange color. Hello Fall!
Carrots are sweet in taste, neutral in energy and support the digestive organs and lungs. Ginger is pungent in taste, warming in energy and also supports the stomach and lungs.
1 teaspoon Oil (I use coconut oil)
2 tablespoons Thai red curry paste (or more…)
1 inch piece Ginger peeled (I use more…)
1 Onion roughly diced (I’ve also used leeks)
8-10 Carrots peeled and roughly diced
2 cups Water or Vegetable Broth (I prefer water)
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons Peanut Butter
Noodles, roasted peanuts and lime juice for topping
(Adjust soup thickness by adding more carrots or water to your liking. I prefer it thick.)
Instant Pot Instructions:
Saute the red thai curry paste, ginger and onions in oil for a few minutes. Add the carrots, water (or broth) and salt. Set on high pressure for 12 minutes, and then do a quick release. Mix in the peanut butter and then blend using an immersion blender or wait for the soup to cool a bit before blending. Top with your favorite topping and serve hot.
Stovetop Instructions:
Heat oil and add the red thai curry paste, ginger and onions for a few minutes. Add the carrots, water (or broth) and salt. Bring it to a boil and then simmer till the carrots are cooked through and soft. Mix in the peanut butter and then blend using an immersion blender or wait for the soup to cool a bit before blending. Top with your favorite topping and serve hot.
(Recipe from Richa of myfoodstory.com:
I’m available in-office and online/virtually to support your heath, wellness and authentic living goals.
As always, feel free to email me with any questions or to tell me how you’re doing. I wish you health and balance.
Change is in the air again with fall coming. For the past 6 months, we have been living and working in a “new reality” and have realized our great capacity for change and adaptability, how to live in the moment and live with uncertainty. We are stronger and more resilient than we know, and now have another opportunity to step into the next season with resolve and purpose.
Taking the Pulse
In Chinese Medicine we are entering the season of the metal element, which relates to the qualities of structure and rhythm. These days we are continually finding new rhythms and adjusting as structures around us shift and change. It can feel ungrounding and create lots of emotions such as anxiety and frustration as we ask “how much longer?” Along the way we discover how flexible and adaptable we are, or the alternative is that we become too fixed or rigid and “break” under the pressure.
An image that embodies the metal element is a snow capped mountain. It is enduring, stable, and continually exposed to changing and harsh elements. These days 2020 can feel like an endless climb up the side of the mountain. The invitation here is to tap into the deeper elements of the mountain energy – firmly rooted in the earth while reaching for the energy of the sky or heavens or a more hopeful future; remaining steady while structures around fall apart, change and are rebuilt.
Coaching Contemplation
The metal element loves structure, order and organization. Now is the time to re-assess how your personal structures, schedules and self-care practices are working for you. With stay at home and work from home, we have developed some new habits and routines to get us through, or possibly fallen into some patterns that are no longer working. Fall is the natural time to set up new routines and rhythms. Some things to consider doing this fall:
When structures are changing around us, there is a lot of power in choosing how to navigate your daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal rhythms.
Take Care of Your Immune System
Now is also the time to review your self-care and immune support plan as we prepare for fall and winter. The foundations of immune heath are:
Take a look at your self-care and immune support practices and be in touch if you need support or help in those areas!
Order your herbs and supplements Online!
My Wellevate online dispensary has thousands of high quality products available. Clients receive 15% off and with free shipping after $49.It is free to sign up.
Now is the time to order your immune support supplements for the fall and winter. In the spring a lot of immune supplements were backordered due to supply and demand issues with the pandemic, so it is good to plan ahead and have some products on hand. My favorites include Vit C, Vit D, zinc, probiotics, elderberry, echinacea, mushrooms, astragalus and a variety of herbal formulas for allergies and immune support. Please be in touch for specific recommendations.
Immune Support Acupuncture: Book an acupuncture appointment to support your immune system, to treat seasonal allergies, support quality sleep and digestion, and reduce your stress. Acupuncture at the change of seasons can help your system re-balance for the changes ahead.
Book an energy healing or transformation coaching session: (done remotely via video) to clear any old traumas that are resurfacing, to get perspective on and shift a challenging pattern or situation, to create some goals and new ways of being – to fully step into the person and life you desire. When the world is changing outside it is an excellent time to shift on the inside.
Telehealth session: to discuss a specific health issue and get a personalized plan or an herb/supplement consultation
As always, feel free to email me with any questions!
Wishing you a smooth and healthy transition to fall.
All the best,
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